Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,,
Hello everyone,
My name is Ahmad Nur Firdaus bin Hashim..As new students of Electronics System Engineering, my friends and i, had to attend the Introduction to Electonics System Engineering class on 22th September,last week. For the first day of lecture, we were given a task like assignment by Dr. Kamal, our lecturer. He asked everybody in the class to make a 'reflective journal', or in simply meaning, we were asked to make a BLOG.
In the first class, we were introduced to the Course Objective just to make sure all of us understand about the concept and ideas of Electrical System Engineering. Also, we were taught about the Japanese work culture. The class became more interesting when Dr. Kamal spoke a few words in Japanese language. Although, it was a bit hard for me to pronounce the words, i think a continuous practices will make it perfect, but perhaps it'll take some times for me to bear with it.
The last objective of this course is to develop our communication skills, teamwork, and integrity skills that seemed very important to us. Dr. Kamal said that we, the students, should achieve all these objectives and criteria at the end of the course, to make us an employable graduate, 4 years from now.
After that, Dr. Kamal showed us a video, that i think a very interesting video to be watched. The video was about different people, different teenagers have so many distinctive goals in their life. Here we can observe so well the two different attitudes of the students Susan and Robert. This video also told us that the way of teaching by the lecturers affect the attitudes of the students. So, it is showed that both teachers and students were the most important person in making a good student. If you want to see the video, just click this link Susan and Robert.