Monday, 12 December 2011

-Completing the Board-

Hi, we meet again..
Still remember the circuit boards we made before? So, im going to continue the story about it. In the Thursday's class last week, we continued the circuit making but, with new board. Because there were too many students cannot completed the circuits and some of them faced many problems in making the circuits including me. I have a problem with the excess solders on my board. The solders then contact with each other.

Mr. Ridzuan added, if that happens, it will bring to a short circuit. In result, my LED lighted up but not blinking.  So, Mr. Ridzuan decided to give another board but still using the same components that he had given last time except to the students that succcesful made their circuits. As I considered my circuits weren't functioning, I had to do the same before. Means that I took the new board.

After we finished all the processes, we tested the circuit wether it is functioning or not. Finally, my new circuit blinking and I felt very grateful because there will be no more circuits to be completed.
Actually, the circuits making was very tiring because we had to give full of attention when doing the processes. So, thanks to Mr. Ridzuan for giving us another chances to prove that we are actually a very fast learner. Maybe because of the lackness of experience is the main reason why we are not success for the first circuit.

Ok.till we meet again..

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