Tuesday 11 October 2011

Electronics Practice

Starting from last Tuesday, the lecture have been replaced by En. Ahmad Ridzuan bin Mohd Hanapiah. In overall of his two recent electronics classes, we were guided to learn about a few electronics components, such as transistor, diode, capacitor and resistor. Although we have already knew a little bit about such things, the information from En. Ridzuan made us clear and we gained  more understanding about these components.
The tutorial that have given to us is very interesting because there are many information about the components in details. So, we don't have to worry ourselves. Thanks a lot to En. Ridzuan.

For the second class in last week, we did a lot of practices included finding the value of each components,  using multimeter, and identifying the components based on the information given in the tutorial. Most interestingly, we did blowing up some components. Two capacitors became the victims in the experiment. But
please don't try this at home.

Based on the class, I understood that resistor can be measured in 2 ways. The first one is using the colour code. As the resistor are coded by using colours, we can determined the value of resistance of a resistor using the Colour Code Table (CCT).

This is what CCT looks like.

Instead of using CCT, multimeter is another way to calculate the value of the resistance. And by using this, we can get the actual value of the resistor with precision. Multimeter has many functions as it combined the function of voltmeter, ammeter, ohmmeter and capacitance meter. For the one who wants to know more about multimeter, check it out this video

Multimeter comes in many shapes and colour, but most important is the function of the multimeter. The most common multimeter in the market now you can have are like the picture below.

Next, we moved to deal with the capacitors. For capacitors, there are two types of them. First one is non polar capacitor while the other one is absolutely polar capacitor. Capacitors that we used in this practice are the one black in colour and another one is made up by many colours.

This is non polar capacitor.

The polar capacitor.(I couldn't find the colourful one)

Capacitance of capacitors can be determined by using 3 ways.

-Colour Code Table (CCT)
-By Inspection

For more information about inspection, you can click this inspection link..

In the end of the class, En. Ridzuan showed us an interesting experiment, that is the blowing part. Actually, he explode the capacitors just to show us what is the result when the capacitors are connected with the wrong ends. So, when he connect the capacitors to the current source, the capacitors took some times and exploded after that. Then, En. Ridzuan asked us to test it on another capacitor. 

In overall, the last week class was very interesting. I really hope that we can have another components to be exploded in the next classes. Last but not least, thanks for reading.

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